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Estonian Dynamics Partners

Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Extensions | User Guide

Estonian Intrastat Reporting - User Guide

This app adds Estonian requirements and XML file format to the Intrastat reporting functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Please read more about Business Central Intrastat reporting on:
Set up Intrastat reporting

Setup Intrastat

The required level of detail in Estonian Intrastat reporting can be different from company to company.

To setup the appropriate requirements for your company, open Intrastat Setup and fill in the Purchase Mandatory Fields and Sales Mandatory Fields on Estonian Intrastat fast tab:

Value Description
Not in Use Intrastat specific fields are not required on sales and purchases.
Basic Requirements “Tariff No.”, “Country/Region of Origin Code”, “Net Weight” are required on Item card and “Transaction Type” on document.
Additional Requirements Basic Requirements + “Entry/Exit Point” are required on document.
(Documents with posting date until 31st december 2021 have as required fields also “Transport Method” and “Shipment Method Code”).

Check if field Format Configured is ‘Yes’ on Estonian Intrastat fast tab.
You can also click on ‘Yes’, to see the Intrastat report format configuration entry in VAT Reports Configuration page.
(Content Codeunit ID should be 24007763 and Validate Codeunit ID should be 24007762).
This makes possible the creation of Intrastat Report file in XML format, that meets the Estonian requirements.

Setup Tariff Numbers

In Estonia, some of the tariff numbers require reporting of quantity in supplementary units in addition to the weight.

To setup this, open Tariff Numbers and mark a Supplementary Units checkbox for tariffs if required.
(Previously (until BC24) it was required to fill also Supplem. UoM Code there, but that has now (from BC25) moved to Item card).

Items belonging to such tariffs, need to have the same unit of measure setup in Items Unit of Measure window.

When doing Intrastat reporting, as a result, Supplem. UoM Code and a Supplem. UoM Quantity will be filled in on lines for these items.
Please note that to XML file the Supplem. UoM Quantity value is taken from Units of Measure table field International Standard Code (case there is no value, then the value on line is used).

Reporting Intrastat

If on Intrastat report (previously on Intrastat Jnl. Batch) field Statistics Period is filled (for example december 2024 is 2412) and status is Open (previously on batch Reported must be false), then action Suggest Lines retrieves all the item entries in the statistics period and inserts them as report lines.

Action Create File shall create an XML file of Intrastat report.
Saved XML file can be submitted in estat environment.

For more information, please contact:
Estonian Dynamics Partners